Heal every part of your body &
get vibrated into bliss
VibroAcoustic Tools
For Relaxation, Serious Healing, and Getting High (Accessing Higher States of Consciousness)
Basis of How Sound Works
The basis of all sound healing is creating Consistent, Stable Vibrations to overcome Chaotic Vibrations physically, mentally and emotionally. Smooth consistent bass frequencies play through the speakers (transducers) in each of the devices vibrating you or a specific part of the body into peace, while life transforming music plays into your ears and brain creating profound blissful states.
It all contributes to homeostasis — physically, mentally, emotionally and even Spiritually.

The VibroAcoustic Tools are profoundly effective.
Relaxation and Stress Reduction – There is nothing better. Calms the mind and the body. It’s also rejuvenating… like having a nap.
Healing – Our research shows all of the VibroAcoustic tools to be 75% – 85% effective in getting rid of symptoms and resolving issues. Some of the many ailments that these tools can help with include pain management, sleep, anxiety, depression, PTSD, neurological disorders, stroke, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, sports preparation and injury, tremors, kidney stones and traumatic brain injury.
Getting High – With our music people commonly report being able to access higher states of consciousness resulting in inner peace, balance, well-being, spiritual awareness, interconnectedness and a feeling of Oneness with fellow humans and nature. Commonly people are in tears as the music and vibration opens their hearts.
CLICK HERE to see more detail on all of the issues that the tools are effective for.
CLICK HERE to see the Research that has been done.

The Sounds and Music
The Music CDs – We use music from the top Sound Healing Music Producer on the planet, David Gibson (MORE ON THE MUSIC PRODUCTION). David Gibson wrote the #1 selling books in both Audio Recording and Production (CLICK HERE), and in Sound Healing (CLICK HERE). All of the Music CDs/Digital Downloads incorporate sophisticated Quantum Healing Frequencies and Binaural Beat Brainwave Entrainment. Not only is the music healing, but it can transport you into a high state of bliss — including Universal Love and Oneness.
The Frequency CDs – The bass strap and vest work with our Cymatic Frequency CDs/Digital Downloads. You don’t listen to the CDs, you play them directly on the body for more targeted healing on specific parts of the body and issues. We have Cymatic CDs for: Arthritis, Asthma, Bones, Brain, Chronic Fatigue, Circulatory System, Depression Relief, Digestion, Endocrine System, Muscles, Nerves, Tendons, Ligaments and Respiratory System. These are the most well researched frequencies on the planet. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CYMATIC FREQUENCY CDs.

Home Use vs. Professional Installation
You can use the VibroAcoustic tools to setup a sanctuary in your home. CLICK HERE to Learn How
We also provide details on how to expand your business with a whole array of possible tools that are extremely effective and enjoyable. The tools are especially effective for Spas, Wellness Centers, Dementia, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Pain Management Centers, Sports Facilities, ER Units (for Doctors and Nurses), and even Entertainment Centers. We have also included an affiliate program in case your clients would like to purchase any of the items. LEARN MORE

Sound Lounges and Tables
The Sound Lounge is a chair that has transducers (subwoofer like speakers) mounted inside. It can also be laid down flat. The Sound Table is a massage table with the transducers mounted on the bottom. Both the Lounges and the Tables vibrate the whole body with the bass of the music you are listening to.
Sound Lounge – A key component of the Sound Lounge is that its top layer is made of Memory Foam which forms to the body, thus giving you maximum contact with the vibration. It is very cooshie. When most people first lay down they sigh with delight as they notice how soft and comfortable it feels — even before the vibration is turned on. Because the Sound Lounge can also be laid flat you can also lay on your stomach and get your belly vibrated. GO DIRECTLY to the SOUND LOUNGES
Sound Table – The Sound Table is excellent for doing a massage while being vibrated. It also works really well with the Amethyst Biomat placed on top so you get the energy of the Amethyst crystals and infrared heat (Because the Sound Lounge is so cooshie you can’t really do massage on it or put the Biomat on top of it). GO DIRECTLY to the SOUND TABLES

Sound Pillows and Dolphins
The Pillows and Dolphins also have transducers that produce a strong vibration that you can also hug! They can be used on top of the Lounge or Table so you are sandwiched between the two. The effect is that you are completely enveloped in a field of wonderful vibration. You can also use them as a standalone healing and bliss device. The Sound Pillow has stronger vibration than the Sound Dolphin so it is better when playing back music. The Sound Dolphin has more high frequencies which are better for use with the Cymatics Frequency CDs that are played on the body. GO NOW

Bass Vests and Straps
Localized frequency healing right on the part of the body that needs it the most. The Cymatics Frequency CDs are played through the powerful transducers. No listening required, although you can actually play music through them while listening on headphones (especially on the full Bass Vest). GO NOW

Amethyst Mat with Infrared that is perfect on top of the Sound Table. The sound comes from the bottom of Sound Table and triggers the Amethyst electromagnetically in a perfectly flowing harmonious way. GO NOW

Synchronized Light Devices
Light synchronized to the music for maximum entrainment. The lights are even more effective for accessing all of the brainwave states of Delta (Sleep), Theta (Relaxation and Creativity), Alpha (Presence, Learning and Sports), Beta (Thinking and Overcoming ADD/ADHD) and Gamma (Blissing Out). They are also extremely effective for Depression. GO NOW
Extra CD’s / Downloads, Music Player Device, Headphones and Stereo Systems GO NOW

The powerful transducers embedded in the foam send healing low frequency vibrations throughout every part of your body.
Cooshie Connection – Made with a top of layer of memory foam, our Sound Lounges are the cooshiest ever. The memory foam creates a full body print for optimum comfort and wraps around your body so you get maximum contact and transmission of the vibrations into the body. Upon simply lying down on the Sound Lounge, people commonly experience an “Ahhh” moment due to just how comfy it is (even before the sound is turned on).
Golden Mean Ratios – All of the speakers are mounted based on Golden Mean ratios found in the Fibonacci sequence. This is the most common mathematical pattern in living organisms so your body instantly recognizes these Sacred Geometry patterns found in nature and throughout your own body — and relaxes even further.
Transformation – The Sound Lounge is profoundly effective for a wide range of issues beyond just relaxation. It is being used by some of our customers with First Responders and Veterans from the VA and has changed their lives completely. It has been extremely effective for muscular pain, fibromyalgia, neurological issues, and Parkinson’s. It has also been really helpful for anxiety. CLICK HERE to see more detail about all the issues it can help.
If you have anything going on emotionally it will be gone within 10 minutes — both mentally/emotionally and physically.
Profound Stillness – The frequencies and energy in David’s music is not only profoundly healing, but it will get you really high. People commonly access higher states of consciousness such as Universal Love and Oneness … and are commonly brought to tears. The stillness in the body, mind and emotions when the music fades out is precious. CLICK HERE to read more about David’s music.
3 Versions
The Classic and Pro Versions come with an adjustable cot. You can lay it down flat, which is best when using the Pillow or Dolphin on top of you. You can also lay on your stomach to get the vibration on your belly. The cot can also be adjusted so it sits up like a lounge. The dimensions of the mat is 80″ x 30″ x 9″. All mats and cots fold in half for easy transport or for storage.
1. Classic Lounge – Excellent for home use.
2. Pro Lounge – Made with Medical Grade Neoprene that is easy to wipe down. Best for Professional use.
3. The Portable Mat – Exactly the same as the Classic or Pro versions but doesn’t come with a cot to lay it on. You can lay the mat on the floor, on a massage table, or on your bed.
How it Works
You use a player (CD player, Computer, MP3 Player) to play back the music. The player is split so one side goes to the amp for the Lounge, and the other side goes to Headphones or a Stereo System. Therefore, you listen to the music normally and the Bass of the song vibrates the Lounge. We sell a WAV Player with all of our music already embedded. We also sell headphones and stereo systems (SEE ACCESSORIES BELOW). We provide detailed instructions on setting up your Sound Lounge, but we can also walk you through the set-up process on the phone or on Zoom.
“I spent 20 minutes on the sound lounge and I was able to release my emotions of anxiety and stress. I felt connected to the bigger picture and little worries slipped away.” – Alex
“Oh My God… My whole body is vibrating and I feel completely at peace — both physically and emotionally. I saw this purple light actually come down into my body and healed my whole body. This was the most amazing experience I’ve ever had. I’m in tears” – Jonathan
“My sciatica is now gone and I don’t have to go into surgery tomorrow.” – Janis
“I’ve had really bad tremors since I was a kid. I drank a bottle of mercurochrome (which has mercury in it) when I was 1 year old and had to have my stomach pumped. Kids used to make fun of me because I couldn’t hold my arms still. And it got worse as I grew older. I used to be afraid to go to dinner with anyone because I couldn’t get a glass to my mouth without spilling it. The lounge and vest have changed my life. The tremors are now 90% gone.” – David Gibson
Testimonial Video (lots of blissed out people) ——–>

A Sound Table is a massage table with powerful low frequency transducers mounted in sacred geometry ratios on the bottom of the table. As a result, the table acts like a subwoofer vibrating healing low frequencies throughout every cell of your body. It is similar to the Sound Lounge but has two advantages:
1. You can do massage on the table while being vibrated.
2. You can place the Biomat on top so you get the energy of the Amethyst Crystals and heart warming infrared heat.
Optionally, the low frequency transducers may be mounted on your own massage table. We provide detailed instructions or if local, we can do it for you.
The speakers on the bottom of the massage tables are quite thin so the table will still fold up with the speakers inside for easy transportation (or so you can put it away when needed).
“I’ve never felt so relaxed after getting a massage on the sound table. It’s like getting a massage on the outside and inside at the same time.” – Aurelio
“I was laying on the Sound Table being vibrated sweetly when the visuals on the ceiling came alive and did a sacred geometry dance above me… then went into my body and did a healing. This place is amazing.” – Pamela

Pillows embedded with powerful subwoofer transducers.
Each are effective as standalone vibrational devices (without a Sound Lounge or Table). A less expensive way to get started with vibration.
When used with Sound Lounge or Table you are completely enveloped in sound and vibration as you are sandwiched between the two. It feels soooo good.
The Sound Pillow has bigger speakers and with stronger vibration which is better for music
The Sound Dolphin still has a lot of vibration, but also has more high frequencies in it which is better for the Cymatic Frequency CDs. Of course, the Dolphin has the cuteness factor going for it.
The Vibrating Love Seat is really nice in bed or when working on the computer. It is so convenient and comfortable.
One of our students has a Sound Healing performance center where she has 15 Sound Pillows laying on the floor connected to the mixer. So all live and recorded sound comes through the Pillows during the Sound Bath. People lay on the floor holding the Pillows and Bliss Out.
“The Sound Pillow is so powerful. I love hugging it whenever I have anything going on in my system. Wipes it out completely.
– Jonathan
“My daughter was never able to sleep on her own. Now she sleeps like a baby while holding the Dolphin” – Joan
“The Love Seat is so nice when working on the computer and especially before going to bed.” – David


If you have pain… imagine it gone.
Powerful low frequency transducers that can be applied to a specific part of the body. You can play music through the devices, but normally, they are used with the Cymatics Frequency CD’s/Downloads. The devices come with 6 Music and Cymatic CD’s.
We have CDs for: Arthritis, Asthma, Bones, Brain, Chronic Fatigue, Circulatory System, Depression Relief, Digestion, Endocrine System, Muscles, Nerves, Tendons, Ligaments and Respiratory System. These are the most well researched frequencies on the planet.
Bass Strap
Full range Mini Subwoofer encased in a durable/comfortable wearable belt. The Speaker can be strapped on various parts of the body to get sound on specific organs, vertebrae, chakras, or acupuncture points. The strap may be worn so the speaker is on the front or back of the body or wrapped around any other part of the body. It is especially effective on the lower back, shoulders, arms and legs. It is also incredibly effective on the bottom of the feet (the bottom of the feet have been shown to be one of the best places to get sound into the whole body).
Bass Vest – 6 Transducers
2 Speakers on the front, 2 on the back, and 2 on the hips. You are enveloped in sound and vibration while also listening to headphones . It is amazingly healing with the Cymatic Frequency CDs vibrating through your whole body, and is a profound mystical experience with David’s music.
“I got whiplash 2 years ago and have had pain between 7 and 9 everyday. After 20 minutes with the Bass Strap it was down to 2. This is a miracle” – Stephen
“I fell off of a deck and have had 4 surgeries in the last year on my leg. After 15 minutes this is the first time that I have felt no pain and can walk without a limp.” – George
“The pain in my lower back is now completely gone after 5 minutes. How come the world doesn’t know about this device.” – Anita
“The vest took me to a place of profound bliss… and now my whole body is still vibrating.” – Orlando

A mat filled with Amethyst crystals. It transmits the sound from underneath the Sound Table through to your body efficiently… while triggering the electromagnetics of the crystals to create a pulsing electromagnetic field perfectly in synch with the music.
High-Tech Negative Ion and Infrared Ray Treatment System that facilitates the body’s own ability to rejuvenate. Far infrared is part of the spectrum of light emanating from the sun. Far infrared is not visible to the eye, but you feel it as heat penetrating into your skin. You may be familiar with the infrared heat lamps sometimes used in bathrooms. Far infrared produces heat in a similar fashion, but is much more efficient because it penetrates even deeper into the skin. Far infrared light and its therapeutic properties have been studied in China and Japan for over twenty years and are now beginning to become very popular in the United States. Far infrared is very helpful for healing the skin, blood circulation, and skin cell revitalization.
“The infrared warmth from the Biomat on top of the Sound Table makes you never want to get up. I’m also very intuitive and can feel the energy of the sound activating the amethyst crystals. It’s like being enveloped this magic field of light” – Angelika
“The only problem with the Biomat is that clients don’t want to get up after the session is over. They just love the warmth emanating from the crystals. We have to peal them off sometimes” – Jackson (Spa Owner).

Flashing Light Brainwave Entrainment Synchronized to the Music
These devices create amazing colors and geometrical shapes that enhance the music tremendously. Your brain also creates its own amazing colors and geometrical shapes. Extremely helpful for Depression. The flashing lights are very activating and can be too much for those who are very fragile or for anyone who has had seizures.

Plug the sound and music into the input of the unit so the light synchronizes. The best brainwave entrainment possible.
It is based on an ancient system of meditation that uses visual objects to focus the mind. MindPlace Kasina induces similar positive mood shifting effects.
Designed so that you can keep your eyes open or closed during a session.
Although you can create your own sessions, most people use the 70+ preset sessions, with more available to download free on https://soundcloud.com/mindplace
Meditation aid – access deeply tranquil states
- Quiet the “Monkey Mind”
Focus and attention trainer
Break undesirable states – like anger
Facilitate accelerated learning
Mood shifter – change your mind
Access altered states of consciousness
Stunning audio-visual experience – wow factor

A fully functional vibrational therapy system. It’s a computer based software/hardware system that represents the next generation of light and sound devices that far surpassed those of the past, which can coordinate and synchronize any form of vibrational therapy or device into a timed, push-button session. Light, sound, frequency, music, color, em fields, and other forms of vibration can be programmed and then fed back to users by RGB light diodes, headphones, speakers, monitors, projectors, coils and other forms of vibrational devices.
The Sensorium LSV II is comprised of a software package and several pieces of hardware. The software can run on either Windows or Mac platforms.
This is a packaged version of the Sensorium that includes the Hardware Interface, Software, Headphones and Light Diode Glasses.
“My depression is gone.” – Andre
“Who needs drugs? The visuals are unbelievable. And then you feel like a different person.” – Randy
“My third eye just opened like never before.” – Lucia

These devices hook up to the Sound Lounge/Table and the music plays through the device creating Scalar Waves throughout the room. Scalar waves are resonant frequencies in the quantum field. They are know to activate that brain and help one to access higher states of consciousness like Oneness and Unity Consciousness. They are extremely helpful for Anxiety and Depression.

Marko Rodin originally came up with the Rodin Coil. Randy Powell, Russ Gries and Daniel and Eric Nunez developed further. The Rodin Coil defines the conservation of momentum and energy. The coil stimulates the bodily area exposed to its field and induces an increased healing effect. Its field seems to stimulate the body’s natural inherent healthy state of being.
The physical body is but an extension of the etheric body. The etheric body is the energy body, also called the subtle body. This etheric body can be seen as a template containing all the information for not only the development of a growing body, but also its perfect healthy state in all aspects, for cells, circulatory systems, organs etc. This information is always there, present in the etheric body. The physical components like the atoms and molecules that we absorb by food, drink and breathing use this information to form and maintain the physical body.
Disease and ailments happen many ways. Physical toxins can enter our body, or emotional traumas cause constrictions in the energy flow of the etheric body resulting in corresponding physical ailments, because the physical body always follows the etheric body. That is why so many people believe that true lasting healing always must happen on the energy level first.
The Rodin coil works on the etheric body, strongly stimulating the original healthy pattern that is always present but often obscured by traumas, negative energetic influences, or physical obstructions like toxins. When the healthy pattern in the etheric energy body is strongly stimulated, it has a strong effect on the physical components of the body, nudging them into the same healthy pattern.

The Miracle IQube uses sophisticated technologies to create coherent (consistent) frequencies that transform an entire room including everybody in the room. Based on information from “higher beings” the IQube uses “tesla-like” coils to activate inert noble gases. A frequency (actually a specific array of frequencies) of love is transmitted through the coils through the noble gases into the room. You can also imprint water or food with the frequencies.
It also includes one of the most sophisticated voice analysis programs on the planet. You speak into a microphone and it analyzes the harmonics within your voice and determines which frequencies are missing. It then sends the frequencies through the coils and noble gases into the room. Again, you can also set water or food on the device and get them imprinted with the frequencies you need!
As well, the unit comes with specific heart opening music that is also transmitted through the coil and gases into the room. This music has been designed to open your heart. You can also play your own music through the device.
The Miracle IQube lifts you to a new level beyond where you are stuck. It works by entraining you to theta love frequencies that are designed to awaken your heart & elevate your consciousness to Love & above. These “high” frequencies help to remove blocks by entraining you into unconditional love and peace.
The IQube is based on the science of entrainment, resonance, sacred scalar vortex action, sound frequencies, structured water and inert noble gases. The Miracle IQube combines our proprietary frequencies and formulas to complement, elevate and support your existing spiritual and health practices.
The Miracle IQube dissolves and dissipates fear, anger and anxiety so you are free to experience greater love and effortless well-being. This instrument is a gateway. It runs 24×7 in your home as an environmental and emotional cleanser. Each Miracle IQube creates an arc which spans 2,000 miles and is equal to 4,400 meditators. Each new Miracle Iqube amps up the energy field for all of the members of the community. It is the high speed elevator to higher states of consciousness!
Rodin Coil
My intestinal cramps were getting worse to the point that I had them almost everyday. I discovered I had become lactose intolerant and fructose intolerant. I couldn’t eat fruit anymore. I couldn’t eat much either. Not to mention that I didn’t feel that good. They usually call it Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and I guess I had some big ulcer or something like that.
In August my Rodin coil arrived, and used it on my belly for 20 minutes, twice a day. After one month the intestinal cramps had disappeared completely. My belly felt good, and I had a great appetite again. I could eat big meals again without any problems. I can eat fruit again. I find this amazing, because nothing else had worked before.
I also developed a lot of pain in my knee joint and muscles down my leg, because of an infection of a certain microbe. It was so bad, I could hardly walk. I had tried the MMS and a pulser but there was no improvement at all. Then I used the Rodin coil on my knee for almost an entire day, on and off as I had to go outside frequently. The next day, my knee area was better for about 80-90%! I kept up the same regime for about a week and a half, during which improvement was more gradual. This was probably due to the fact that the damage to the nerves and cartilage/bone is more difficult to repair. After two weeks my knee was completely normal. Again, to me this is an amazingly fast healing.
What I also noticed was, that my vision has improved. Not that much (at this point I have used the coil for about a month and a half, but my vision is now definitely sharper. In the beginning of August the text on my computer screen was so fuzzy I had to use my close-up glasses, because I couldn’t read the text anymore with my normal glasses. Now, with my normal glasses, the text is sharp. My wife, who also has used the coil, has noticed the same.
A week or so later a sensitive spot appeared again, on my knee cap. I used the coil again most of the day, and the next day it was gone.
Miracle IQube
What is my happiness worth? It is worth having waited half of my life for this…A moment of Presence makes all the years worth it.” Elizabeth Gilliam, Acupuncturist , North Carolina
As soon as you step into the field generated by Miracle Iqube it is just amped up. You must have this in your home to keep the energy high.” Henrik Cervin, Naples, Florida
Happiness is just flowing through the whole house. Not just for me. My husband is happy too. I am getting so expansive. This has made such a huge difference in my home.” Louella Minogue, Canada
I felt a deep sense of peace. Everything in the world is in order.” Ellen Burkett, Colorado
I am absolutely living in a state of unconditional love. When you truly open your heart without condition a whole physiological change happens. There is something so deep within you that happens. You touch oneness. The Theta Love is an enhancement. It provides the doorway to open the heart and the mind. In the past we did not have a way to anchor a high vibration. It is like moving from a love vibration of 200 to 1,500 in a matter of moments, days and weeks. You don’t have to understand it. Let’s just embrace it.” Bill Little, Canada
The Miracle IQube is about the gradual upliftment, heart opening and awakening of humanity by conscious entrainment with coherent instruments– The Miracle IQube will dissolve the yo-yo effect of the highs and lows of the endless seeking for transformation, enlightenment, even passion to a consistent and stable experience of love & joy.

Get Vibrated while Driving or as a Passenger
For Relaxation, Activation, Fatigue, Pain Remediation

We provide free tech support to figure out any problems if something were to go awry.
All products are guaranteed for 6 months. If there is every a problem and it needs to be shipped back, we will pay for the shipping. If overseas, we will try and help you get it repaired so you don’t have to ship it back.
You can return items within 1 month for a full refund (return shipping not included) if bought online. Items bought at the physical store may only be exchanged for other items in the store. All items must be in new condition. If a product includes labor or instructions on how to install speakers on a Sound Table, there is no refund.
For all of our vibrational tools, the sound and music comes from a CD player, Computer, WAV or MP3 Player, or phone. The signal is split so one goes to the amplifier for the vibrational device. The other side of the splitter goes to headphones, a stereo system or a 5.1 surround sound system. We also can mount transducers or speakers in walls or floors, if desired. We not only provide detailed instructions on how to hook everything up, but we can also walk you through it on the phone or zoom.
Feel free to contact us if you have questions or need support in building your own sound space for your home or spa.
WAV Player with our 24 Songs Embedded – Highest quality sound — same quality as a CD (better than MP3 player)
Headphones – The best ones for our music.
Stereo System – So you don’t have to wear headphones (but still can if you like). Excellent for when doing massage at the same time.
Surround Sound System – The most immersive. Five speakers.
Speaker Stands – Small stands to put the speakers on.
Sound Healing Classes – Learn how Sound Healing works so you can explain it to people.
Sound Lounges
All Lounges come with the following:
Lounge Mat – With 4 Transducers mounted inside.
Cot – Height adjustable and can sit up or lay down.
Amplifier – Plenty of power to rock your boat. Of course, comes with all cables to hook it up.
4 CDs/Downloads – CDs by David Gibson that are unbelievably effective, beautiful and heart opening. You may choose physical CD’s or Digital Downloads.
Comes with:
1. Water Of Life / Awakening
2. Unconditional Love
3. Enlightenment
4. Calm Sleep
These are our favorites, but you are welcome to choose from the full list:
Tech Support – If you need help hooking it all up.

• Lounge Mat (with 4 Transducers)
• Cot
• Amp
• 4 CDs/Downloads
• Tech Support
OPTIONS (10% off when added-on)
– Sound Pillow – $436.50
– Sound Dolphin – $436.50
– WAV Player with 24 Songs – $400.50
– Headphones – $81
– Sound Healing Orientation Class – $450

• Lounge Mat with Medical Grade Neoprene Cover for easy cleaning
• Cot
• Amp
• 4 CDs/Downloads
• Tech Support
OPTIONS (10% off when added-on)
– Sound Pillow – $436.50
– Sound Dolphin – $436.50
– WAV Player with 24 Songs – $400.50
– Headphones – $81
– Sound Healing Orientation Class – $450

Pro Sound Lounge (with Cot, Amp, CDs, Tech Support)
WAV Player with Pre-Loaded Music
– 12 Music CD’s specifically designed for the Lounge with maximum bass. CLICK HERE to see the full list.
– 12 Cymatic Frequency CDs – For issues ranging from Muscles to Endocrine Glands. CLICK HERE to see the full list.
Professional Headphones – Ideal headphones for David’s music and the lounge combination.
Sound Pillow or Dolphin – Get sandwiched with Vibration
Sound Healing Orientation Class – 13 Classes on how Sound Healing works so you can explain how the Sound Lounge works to your clients. (CLICK HERE to see more info below)
Sound Lounge Spa Package with Pillow – Go to Buy
Sound Lounge Spa Package with Dolphin – Go to Buy
Same as the Lounges above without the cot. 6″ vibration sensitive foam mattress for use on your massage table, the floor or on your bed. Choose the Classic or Pro Version. The Pro Version has Medical Grade Neoprene material that can be wiped down easily when in a professional environment.
Classic Mat – $1980
Pro Mat – $2700
Includes Mat, Amp, CDs/Downloads, and Tech Support
Portable Classic Version -$1980 – Go to Buy
Portable Pro Version – $2700 – Go to Buy
OPTIONS (10% off when added-on)
– Sound Pillow – $436.50
– Sound Dolphin – $436.50
– WAV Player with 24 Songs – $400.50
– Headphones – $81
– Sound Healing Orientation Class – $450
Sound Tables
The Sound Table is a massage table with transducers mounted on the bottom.
All Sound Tables come with the following:
Amplifier – Plenty of power to rock your boat. Of course, comes with all cables to hook it up.
4 CDs/Downloads – CDs by David Gibson that are unbelievably effective, beautiful and heart opening. You may choose physical CD’s or Digital Downloads.
Comes with:
1. Water Of Life / Awakening
2. Unconditional Love
3. Enlightenment
4. Calm Sleep
These are our favorites, but you are welcome to choose from the full list:
Tech Support – If you need help hooking it all up.

Massage Table with 2 Transducers (Like Subwoofer Speakers) Mounted on the Bottom
OPTIONS (10% off when added-on)
– Sound Pillow – $436.50
– Sound Dolphin – $436.50
– WAV Player with 24 Songs – $400.50
– Headphones – $81
– Sound Healing Orientation Class – $450

$5515 $4998
Sound Table with 2 Transducers
WAV Player with Pre-Loaded Music
– 12 Music CD’s specifically designed for the Lounge with maximum bass. CLICK HERE to see the full list.
– 12 Cymatic Frequency CDs – For issues ranging from Muscles to Endocrine Glands. CLICK HERE to see the full list.
Professional Headphones – Ideal headphones for David’s music and the lounge combination.
Biomat – Lay the Biomat on top of the Sound Table. The speakers under the table trigger the amethyst crystals in the Biomat electromagnetically. The infrared is so nice. (CLICK HERE to see more info below)
Sound Pillow or Dolphin – Get sandwiched with Vibration.
Sound Healing Orientation Class – 13 Classes on how Sound Healing works so you can explain how the Sound Lounge works to your clients. (CLICK HERE to see more info below)
Sound Table Spa Package with Pillow – Go to Buy
Sound Table Spa Package with Dolphin – Go to Buy

This system is designed for those who have a Digital Audio Workstation with at least 4 outputs on their interface. This includes ProTools, Logic Audio, Ableton Live, Digital Performer, Cubase, Cakewalk, etc. It allows you to easily design your own multitrack music and play it through the table… and pan the sound around the table — up and down and left and right.
Comes with 2 Amps

2 Transducers – $900
4 Transducers – $1100
Detailed Instructions on How to Mount the Transducers – Including all of the tools you will need to do the mounting.
2 Transducers – $900 – Go to Buy
4 Transducers – $1100 – Go to Buy
Sound Pillow & Dolphin
Vibration you can hug
They work really well with a Sound Lounge / Table so that you can have sound on both the front and back of the body at the same time, but is quite effective as its own Standalone VibroAcoustic tool.
All Pillows and Dolphins come with the following:
Amplifier – Plenty of power to rock your boat. Of course, comes with all cables to hook it up.
4 CDs/Downloads – See below.
Tech Support – If you need help hooking it all up.

Two powerful transducers in the Pillow vibrate you into bliss… and you get to hug it also.
4 CDs/Downloads
CDs by David Gibson that are unbelievably effective, beautiful and heart opening. You may choose physical CD’s or Digital Downloads.
Comes with:
1. Water Of Life / Awakening
2. Unconditional Love
3. Enlightenment
4. Calm Sleep
These are our favorites, but you are welcome to choose from the full list:

One powerful transducer in the back. One transducer in each arm. Sit back and be vibrated into bliss.
4 CDs/Downloads
CDs by David Gibson that are unbelievably effective, beautiful and heart opening. You may choose physical CD’s or Digital Downloads.
Comes with:
1. Water Of Life / Awakening
2. Unconditional Love
3. Enlightenment
4. Calm Sleep
These are our favorites, but you are welcome to choose from the full list:
Music CDs –

Two powerful transducers in the Dolphin vibrate you into bliss… and you get to hug it and look it in the eye also.
4 CDs/Downloads
The Dolphin works well with both music and the Cymatic frequency CDs. We normally ship a combination. You may choose physical CD’s or Digital Downloads.
Comes with:
1. Water Of Life / Awakening (Music CD)
2. Unconditional Love (Music CD)
3. Muscles (Frequency CD)
4. Nerves, Tendons, Ligaments (Frequency CD)
These are our favorites, but you are welcome to choose from the full list:
Music CDs –
Cymatic Frequency CDs – https://soundhealingcenter.com/store/music/mus/
Bass Straps and Bass Vests
Vibration right on the part of the body that needs it the most. You can also listen to headphones with music while having the vibration on the body.
All Straps and Vests come with the following:
Amplifier and Controller – Plenty of power to rock your boat. You can use wires or bluetooth for the input. You can also you wired headphones or bluetooth headphones.
4 CDs/Downloads
These devices works best with the Cymatic frequency CDs but you can also play music through them (particularly the Sound Vest). We normally ship a combination. You may choose physical CD’s or Digital Downloads.
Comes with:
1. Water Of Life / Awakening (Music CD)
2. Muscles (Frequency CD)
3. Nerves, Tendons, Ligaments (Frequency CD)
4. Endocrine Glands (Frequency CD)
These are our favorites, but you are welcome to choose from the full list:
Music CDs – https://soundhealingcenter.com/store/music/tmusic/
Cymatic Frequency CDs – https://soundhealingcenter.com/store/music/mus/
Tech Support – If you need help hooking it all up.

Powerful Transducers (Subwoofer Pod) mounted on a belt
May be used with Wires or Bluetooth
Built in Amplifier
Rechargeable Batteries – Batteries last for over 6 hours.
Comes with 6 CDs/Downloads
$198 – Only works with wired Headphones. No Bluetooth Headphones (don’t recommend them anyway).
$280 – Version that works with Bluetooth Headphones
– WAV Player with 24 songs – $405
– Wired Headphones – $81

6 Powerful Transducers (Subwoofer Pods)
2 on the front, 2 on the back, and 2 on the hips
Maybe used with Wires or Bluetooth
Built in Amplifiers
Rechargeable Batteries – Batteries last for over 6 hours.
Comes with 6 CDs/downloads
$340 – Only works with wired Headphones. No Bluetooth Headphones (don’t recommend them anyway).
$544 – Version that works with Bluetooth Headphones
– WAV Player with 24 songs – $405
– Wired Headphones – $81
Amethyst Mat with Infrared

28″ x 75″ – Fits the Sound Table the best
Synchronized Light
Brainwave Entrainment synchronized to the Music and Vibration

How it Works
- Easy to use – plug and play out of the box
- Easily create your own sessions – great for therapists
- Copy your own music to the Kasina in MP3 and WAVE
- A built-in MP3 player and included on an 8 GB microSD card
- 255 shades of each color
- The Kasina features a back-lit, colored LCD display, built-in rechargeable lithium battery and can also be used as a USB audio device. The most capable AudioStrobe decoder on the market, with 16 different color-mapping presets. Use the Color Organ feature to turn any music into a colorful light show. Includes 6 different settings to help match the mood of your music. The glasses feature 6 colored LED’s per eye, assuring as vivid an experience as you desire.
- With aural backgrounds ranging from the soothing sounds of nature to ambient electronic tapestries to embedded binaural beats and isochronic pulses – all orchestrated and synchronized to the visual experience. Let your mind follow the frequency of the session you select.
What’s in the Box
- Quickstart Guide
- Kasina Console – preloaded with 49 sessions
- Kasina Ganzframes Multi-Color eyewear
- Ear-bud style Headphones
- USB Cable Power Supply
- Stereo Patch Cable
- MicroSD Card with SD Adapter
- Soft carry case
- Kasina DeepVision Ganzframes added to the shipping box

Software, Interface, Headphones, Glasses
This computer based software/hardware system can coordinate and synchronize any form of vibrational therapy or device into a timed, push-button session. Light, sound, frequency,music, color, EM fields, and other forms of vibration can be programmed and then fed back to users by RGB light diodes, headphones, speakers, monitors, projectors, coils and other forms of vibrational
The Sensorium is comprised of a software package and several pieces of hardware, all combined to control the lights, sounds and vibration. A built-in HyperSpatializer audio dimensionalizer provides the ultimate listening environment.
The Fundamentalizer can extract the user’s true fundamental frequency along with 11 of its most prominent overtones and save it to the Tone Bank where programs can be written using an individual’s own personal waveform.
Scalar Wave Devices for Higher Consciousness
Music from the Sound Table/Lounge, Pillow or Dolphin also play through the device to create Scalar Waves in the room.

RODIN COIL – $1800
Comes with a two inch magnetic sphere
Could be up to 2 months for delivery
The signal is split so it goes to the Sound Table or Lounge and to the coil. Best when placed under the Sound Table or Lounge but can just be in the room.
It can be used on its own without any VibroAcoustics.

Miracle IQube – $6900
Comes with Access to Voice Analysis Software
The Miracle IQube has two sets of Tesla like coils wrapped around 9 inert noble gases, which creates a powerful scalar wave field in the room. It is modulated by a wide range of higher frequencies. However, you can also use the Voice Analysis software to create frequency remedies based on your own assessment. These frequencies are then transmitted into the room via the scalar waves.
The Miracle IQube is about the gradual upliftment, heart opening and awakening of humanity by conscious entrainment with coherent instruments. The Miracle IQube will dissolve the yo-yo effect of the highs and lows of the endless seeking for transformation, enlightenment, even passion to a consistent and stable experience of love and joy.
Comes with a nice case, Voice Analysis software, and online training.

Highest Quality WAV Player (CD quality instead of MP3) pre-loaded with:
– 12 Music CD’s specifically designed for the Lounge with maximum bass. CLICK HERE to see the full list.
– 12 Cymatic Frequency CDs – For issues ranging from Muscles to Endocrine Glands. CLICK HERE to see the full list.

Ideal match for the Sound Table, Sound Lounge, Bass Pod, Pillow or Dolphin.

Feel free with no Headphones.
Two powered speakers.
Optional Speaker stands – Two 28″ stands – $170

SYSTEM – $650
The most immersive with 5 speakers.
Optional Speakers stands – Four 28″ stands – $340.
Learn how sound, music and vibration work so you can explain it to others

Discounted when bought with Sound Lounge or Table
Sound Healing Orientation Class
Normally $700
Learn the basics of how VibroaAcoustics and Sound Healing Work so you can explain it to clients.
13 classes with Live Instructors or by Video
– Finding Your Root/Soul Frequency
– Resonant Connections
CLICK HERE to see details of the classes
Sound Healing Master Class
Normally $1485
Comprehensive understanding of how VibroaAcoustics and Sound Healing Work.
31 classes with Live Instructors or by Video
– SH100 – Sound Healing Overview
– SH120 – Inner Music Theory
– SH140 – Resonant Connections
CLICK HERE to see the details of the classes
Sound Healing Certificate Program
Normally $2000
Globe Institute offers a Certificate Program in Sound Therapy and Healing — the study of the effect of sound, music and vibration on human beings physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Get certified and become a master at Sound Healing. Also, learn more ways to use your sound table or lounge in your practice.
CLICK HERE to see the details of the full program.
48 classes with Live Instructors or by Video.